Click the menu button in the upper left hand corner.
Click "Devices".
Click your NVR.
Click "Share". (Note: if you don't see a share option, you are probably not the administrative account. Please find who has the administrative EZCloud account and have them share access to the system with us.)
Click your NVR again.
Click the greyed-out user in the "Share To" section. Type in "scctech" - no capital letters and no spaces.
The "Valid Period" section will automatically set the sharing to expire in one month. You can increase or decrease this amount by clicking the "Valid Period" section and setting it to whatever date you prefer (must be at least 24 hours).
Click the "By Function" in the "Type" section, and switch to "By Role".
Click "Share" at the bottom of the screen.
A notification should come up that you have shared successfully.
Please call the number below and let our staff know that we have access to your system.